Rivalta Spedizioni was founded in 1994 with offices in Genoa and Rivalta Scrivia.

Offering solid customs, logistical, and administrative assistance to all those parties (shipping houses, importers, exporters, and transporters), operating in the Ligurian/Piedmont area, who redirected their goods to northern Italy, the Triveneto, and northern Europe was the main purpose of the nascent company.

Over the years, the continuous demand for services, the needs of clients and the growth of the company have led to the opening of eight direct operating offices thus offering an efficient network on Ligurian, Adriatic and Piedmont airports, playing, in addition, a fundamental role of preventive advice and study in the implementation of solutions that allow the Client to be able to gain competitiveness in the market and becoming, soon, a point of reference for important companies operating in the sector.

Today, Rivalta Spedizioni, through its international network, is able to assist the Client at every stage of the logistics supply chain.